February 8, 2013

Tad Crawford: Ballard Artwalk this Saturday Feb. 9th

We are happy to introduce 
Tad Crawford 
as our Artist for February and March 2013.

Tad has graced our walls with some intricately colorful works in acrylic, resin and multi-media.
A perfect collection to put alongside our spring style offerings. 

Come down for Ballard's Second Saturday Art Walk on February 9th from 6-9 for a chance to talk to Tad and see his beautiful work. In the meantime, here are some fun questions we asked Tad to get to know him a little better:

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Upstate New York, and left to explore life on the west coast.

Where is the most unusual place you have created a piece of art?

I don't know if there's anything unusual about making art. It can be boring or wrought with fear like the rest of life.

What are your top three music picks for the studio?
3 current Pandora stations:
Martin Brothers
Avett Brothers 
Dexter Gordon

If you were to compare your paintings to a movie, what movie would it be?
If I had to pick a movie to relate to this group of paintings, I like the ending of the movie "Big Night".  There's a big party, and the morning after is a very quiet conciliatory breakfast.  
Do you have a website or any contact information that we can post online?
I can be reached at tad.crawford@gmail.com